Apr 24, 2023admin_asc No Comments 1774 ViewsShare on
We wanted to congratulate Paulo H. B. Brant Carvalho, an ASC alumnus who graduated in 2017 and whose doctoral thesis was just published. Congrats again and best of luck for your future endeavours, Paulo!
“I hold a BSc in Chemistry from the University of Sao Paulo, an 8-semesters program with a solid and diversified curriculum in the several aspects of the field and in particular in analytical chemistry, spectroscopy and its applications. I concluded a Masters in the European program Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry (ASC), a 2-year program hosted at two renowned universities in Europe, University of Lille and the Jagiellonian University of Krakow. I chose the identification of Lewis acid sites on zeolites as the topic of my master thesis, for which I got to perform density functional theory (DFT) calculations to generate theoretical x-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectra for further interpretation of experimental data Synchrotron data.”
In my Ph.D. project entitled “Pressure-induced amorphization and glassy states of clathrate hydrates” I utilize neutron scattering techniques, typically under extreme conditions of pressure and low temperature, to evaluate the phase transformations and structure of amorphous clathrate hydrates. »