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Mobility PATH


The programme structure is as follows:


The selected students will study in at least 2 countries; the simplest mobility scheme being a selection of two different locations: one per academic year, according to the specialization field of the targeted master thesis topic.

Students can visit up to 3 universities. Students wishing to come back to the University of Lille for the 4th semester master thesis will have to spend the 2nd AND/OR 3rd semester at another location.

  • 1st semester :Lille (FR)
  • 2nd semester: Bologna (IT), Lille (FR) or Leipzig (DE)
  • 3rd and/or 4th semester: mobility in another of the consortium institutions.

The ASC consortium covers all fields of spectroscopy, with an emphasis on specialization courses in the following specialties:

  • Helsinki (FI): Computational Chemistry, Green and Atmospheric Chemistry
  • Krakow (PL): Spectroscopy of Nano- and Biomaterials
  • Leipzig (DE): Spectroscopy for Bioorganics, Surface Science and Catalysis
  • Lille (FR): Solid State Spectroscopy and Catalysis
  • Bologna (IT): Sustainable Chemistry, Spectroscopy for Fluid and Condensed Phases

Mobility is organized well in advance, as early as mid-November of the first semester: each student will select his/her mobility pathway towards the choice of a specific field for his/her master thesis in the 4th semester. A ranking of 3 choices per student is required, each different choice being duly motivated and explained in a common letter of motivation. This ranking will be discussed by the Academic Board in a meeting held for the purpose of reaching a minimum distribution of 3-4 students per ASC institution for the second year of ASC studies.

Last modified : 22/08/2022 09:46:12