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Graduate programme Inaugural days – “Science for a Changing Planet”

The inaugural days of the Graduate Programme “Science for a Changing Planet” of the University of Lille took place on September 15 & 16 at LILLIAD Lilliad Learning Center Innovation.
It was an opportunity for new ASC students to meet with other international students at ULille and to learn about “the initiatives and resources offered to support all Graduate Programme Students in their professional and academic projects”.

“The Science for a Changing Planet Graduate Programme is a stimulating, competitive and innovative scientific environment that gathers research-driven Master’s degree and PhD courses in the field of climate change and environment transition to tackle the challenges of the contemporary world in a global research dynamic on transition.”

Click on the image to see the programme of the event.

For more information about the graduate programme:
see the presentation slideshow


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Last modified : 19/09/2022 11:29:46