Where are ASC project members ?

Benefit from a broad international network
The program includes a mandatory mobility within the ASC consortium and is taught in English in all 5 universities.
Over the years, the ASC consortium has developed links with 17 associated partners: global industrial partners producing spectrometers (Bruker, Magnetech) as well as regional competitiveness clusters (MATIKEM/EuraMaterials in Lille, NEU in Leipzig). A privileged partnership has also been established with great research facilities such as Synchroton SOLEIL in France or ELETTRA in Italy.

ASC network expansion

Quality assurance
The ASC master’s course has been awarded the Erasmus Mundus label and funded by the European Union three times for the periods 2008-2014, 2015-2020 and currently 2020-2026. It is now highly recognized for its academic excellence. In addition, this European master’s course was awarded the Euromaster label by the European Chemistry Thematic Network (ECTN) in 2008. This label has been renewed in 2019.