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Who take care of ASC EMJMD?


The role of the External Advisory Board is to provide assistance
and vision to the Program Board on :

Academic content of the Program

The Promotion and Public Relations for the Program

The Winter School and other events organized by the Program

The employability of graduates and Internship opportunities for students in the Program

Professional networks related to the Program

External quality assurance

This board gathers once a year, at the same time as the ASC program board winter meeting and its main responsibility is to provide external assessment of the quality of the program, to increase its visibility through promotion activities, and advise on possible adaptation to match the needs of the labor market. The feedback will be transferred to the ASC program Board at the meeting.


The Advisory Board is directed by an external chairman and composed of members appointed by the Program Board:

  • representatives of our industrial partners (BRUKER and Magnettech),
  • representatives of large scale spectroscopic facilities (SOLEIL and ELETTRA),
  • representatives of dissemination entities (MATIKEM and NEU),
  • two elected students (one for the first year, one for the second year),
  • one alumni,
  • one member of the Utrecht Network,
  • one representative of the program board.

Last modified : 27/05/2022 12:14:47